Friday, February 4, 2011

Icefest 2011!!!

My life entered into a strange cocooned holding pattern due to all this ice and snow that we are enjoying here in Dallas/Fort Worth.  Everything is at a standstill except for my kids, who are on a repeating loop of inside outside upside down…change clothes, warm up, and do it again…

In addition.. I'm still sickish...which means I have ALL the best excuses for doing only what I really feel like doing.

So, I’ve watched most of Roswell and some of Veronica Mars. I’ve read Scott Westerfield’s Uglies Series—which was very cool.  I found a new favorite author Jandy Nelson (The Sky is Everywhere). I also watched that Charlie St. Cloud movie..ugh.

Finally, I think I may have exhausted all my laziness….nawww.

Did I work on my WIP…that’s a big nope.  I procrastinated further by checking email.  In amongst the spam and sales fliers, I found a reminder to finalize my agent selection for pitch time at the DFW Writers Conference at the end of the month.  Since my manuscript is a mess and I’ve been staring at my TV screen more than my banging on my laptop, I’m in no position to pitch.  I feel a little like a poser, party crasher, faker and basically unworthy to attend.

Ya know what though…I booked this the moment I could. In August.  I plan to go, learn, and just BE in the presence of other people who understand what it’s like to yearn to be a real writer. All this even if I stick out as a wannabe.  Plus, I've never to gone to a conference of my own free will. I've been to quite a few work mandated, exceptionally boring events, but never to anything I wanted to attend.  So, I’m going to crash the party and hang on every word I hear.

Oh, and guess what--a very sweet blogger—Nancy over at N.R.Williams Fantasy Author gave me an very first.  So I’m officially stylish. ***grins***



  1. Yay and boo for procrastination. This weekend I'm pulling everything together and being productive. I'll set a good example. :)

  2. Oh yes I sometimes allow myself a break DVD watching and vegging out.
    Congrats on the award :O)

  3. Congrats on your award! And that would be awesome to go to a conference- good for you! I've been having a Buffy marathon myself ;p

  4. Kindros ..It's not entirely procrastination. It's more like procrasta-search. Procrastination meets research...on plot, science fiction and high school mixed.

    Nancy--thanks again!

    Madeleine -- Sometimes can't hurt, right?

    Abby--Hmmm...Buffy. It's been ages. I might need to TIVO some Buffy for next week WHEN ITS SUPPOSED TO SNOW AGAIN. AHHH.

  5. Congrats on your award!! My procrastination on my novel is starting to get old. Been snowed in all week too and done...not a whole lot! Stay warm!

  6. Hi Cinnamon

    Popped over here from Nancy's to say hello and congrats on your award :)

    I deeply sympathize with the writing doldrums. I had a long list of things to do today. Top of the list was a Chapter 1 re-write - bottom of the list was tidy bedroom. I managed everything in between!

    I envy you going to the conference - enjoy! (Don't feel a fraud - think of it as a down payment on your future success!)


  7. Colene..yep, it's getting old with me too. My brain keeps spinning but I can't get my butt in gear!

    Dominic--Welcome! You have no idea the things I did to avoid writing--I filed paperwork even! UGH. I'm usually the anti-procrastinator--do work before it's even assigned. I think it's that I like to visualize my finish line at the start of the race and I can't really picture it now.

  8. I just signed up to go to the DFW conference, too. Sounds like you and I will be doing the same kind of party-crashing, word-hanging, and writer-friend-making. I'm so excited.
